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Watch on Your TV, Phone or Computer independently produces, curates, archives and offers TV programs exploring modern and ancient Greece.  Our mission is to reach, inform, educate, and inspire audiences of all ages around the world, furthering a deep appreciation for Greece's timeless ancient roots and its vibrant modern historical and cultural traditions.  Learn more...

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TV Categories
300 Spartans - The Real Story (72 Minutes)

300 Spartans - The Real Story (72 Minutes)

The Legend is Fabulous, the Real Story is Astonishing! Hosted by Dr. Michael Scott (PBS, BBC, NOVA, Nat'l Geographic, History Channel and more) What was the real mission of Leonidas and the 300 Spartans? Were they always on a suicide mission? Presented by Dr Michael Scott of Cambridge University, with contributions from nine other experts and four researchers and using the latest research, satellite positioning, and imagery, the series gives complete coverage of the story. Included is a detailed analysis of one of the oldest mysteries in history itself, what really happened to King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. Re-reading the 2500 year old text of Herodotus, the Father of History, has revealed some missing conclusions. Putting aside the myths and legends surrounding the 300 Spartans, this documentary takes a detailed look at The Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, leading to the last stand of the 300 Spartans, other Greeks and the Great Spartan King, Leonidas. The legend passed down is that Leonidas went to Thermopylae with a picked band of 300 Spartans to defend the narrow pass with units from other Greek cities. Then on the 3rd day of the battle, when he found out he was being surrounded, he sent most of his troops away and covered their retreat with a last stand because Spartans never retreated. Using the original text of Herodotus, the only "contemporary" source, it examines the actions of Leonidas as commander of the Greek force of over 7000 men facing 150-200,000 Persians. Why they were there and what eventually led to the most famous last stand in history. Focusing on six key passages in the text, the real story gives a completely different picture than the legend we all know. Leonidas did not stay because Spartans never retreated, they had already retreated once in this war. He had plenty of time to retreat if he wanted to, but his actions on the last day point to something completely different. The documentary concludes that while the legend is fabulous, the real story is astonishing. Leonidas had plans for the last day, and they did not involve a suicidal last stand! ASIN: B013IY1148 (USA); B01I47EJ16 (UK) Learn more at Contact us to get a screening license. Exclusive global agent/representative: Use the contact page
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
The Seven Sages of Greek Antiquity (52 Minutes)

The Seven Sages of Greek Antiquity (52 Minutes)

Though Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were not among them, ancient Greece's most sage men would unanimously choose one as the wisest of all. Winner: BEST ANTIQUITY FILM, Cyprus International Film Festival The Seven Wise Men of antiquity, or the Seven Sages as they are also commonly known, reflect one of the most brilliant aspects of the ancient Greek spirit. This documentary revives the period, 27 centuries ago, when the Seven flourished and enlightened humanity through their wisdom. The Seven Sages of the 6th Century B.C. were seven exceptional personalities distinguished for their extraordinary wisdom and knowledge which they applied as scientists, philosophers, statesmen and lawmakers. They were namely, Thales of Miletus, Chilon of Sparta, Solon of Athens, Pittacus of Mytilene, Bias of Priene, Cleoboulos of Rhodes and Periander of Corinth. On her return voyage to Sparta from Troy, Helen carried a golden tripod, which she dropped into the sea in order to prevent an old prophecy: that the tripod would become a cause to battle. That battle would then lead to the most unusual competition to determine the Wisest. The Seven Sages, of 6th Century BC Greece, are exceptional personalities distinguished for their extraordinary wisdom and knowledge as scientists, philosophers, statesmen and lawmakers. However, even the Seven would choose only One as the wisest of all! Learn more at ASIN: B078T3RTLD (USA); B078T6DKQT (UK)
The Man That History Forgot, Ancient Greece's Unsung Hero (4 Episodes; 179 Minutes)

The Man That History Forgot, Ancient Greece's Unsung Hero (4 Episodes; 179 Minutes)

Hosted by Dr. Michael Scott (PBS, BBC, NOVA, National Geographic, History Channel) and narrated by Patrick Frost. Available on DVD at Meet the Forgotten Favorite Son of the Golden Age of Greece. He was the only Greek to fight for 40 years against the Persians at Marathon with Miltiades (against Persia's King Darius), at Thermopylae with Leonidas and the 300 Spartans (against Persia's King Xerxes), at Salamis with Themistocles (against Persia's King Xerxes) and at Plataea leading the battle against the Persians finally driving the them out of Greece. He was THE GREAT 'uniter' of Greece 200 years before ALEXANDER and the only General in history to have personally led his men into battle 30 days after he died! Were it not for his heroism the Golden Age of Athens would not have occurred and Western Civilization would be vastly different, if at all. EPIC, 4-EPISODE HISTORICAL DOCU-DRAMA SERIES. No Subtitles. An abbreviated series from the epic 8-episode "The First War for Western Civilization," hosted by Dr. Michael Scott. Included is a detailed analysis of two of the oldest mysteries in history itself, what really happened at the Battle of Marathon and what really happened to King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. EPISODE DESCRIPTIONS Episode 1: Ancient Greece: The Forgotten Son Episode 2. Battle of Marathon Triumph, His Fall and Redemption Episode 3: The 300 Die; Ancient Greeks in Peril Episode 4: Salamis and Plataea Triumphs, Another Fall and His Legacy Learn more at Adapted from the 8-part documentary, The First War for Western Civilization ASIN: B07VXSNGMJ (USA); B07VXSP1D1 (UK)
The First War for Western Civilization (8 Episodes; 352 Minutes)

The First War for Western Civilization (8 Episodes; 352 Minutes)

A Time When History Became Legend! Hosted by Dr. Michael Scott (PBS, BBC, NOVA, Nat'l Geographic, History Channel and more) "Go back 2,500 years to the wars between ancient Greece (West) and Persia (East).  The Greco-Persian Wars 2,500 years ago were a clash between two peoples, two cultures, two systems of government and two continents.  The first clash between East and West.  A clash that has, sadly, continued all the way to today." --Hosted by Cambridge University's Dr. Michael Scott The perfect television documentary to complement the global movie "300". Also, see our one episode version called "300 Spartans - The Real Story" here on or on Vimeo at The first democracy in the world spawned the Greco-Persian Wars 2500 years ago that shaped most of the world today, particularly our politics, but it also gave us some of the most iconic moments and curious mysteries in history...a time when history really did become legend: Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, The Battles of Thermopylae, Marathon, Salamis and Plataea, The Roots of Democracy and, now, the story of Athenian Generals Miltiades (Father) and Kimon (Son). However, other than the 3 days of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, the rest of the 49 year war between Persia and Greece has been almost completely overlooked, and has never appeared in full as a documentary or drama. Presented by Dr Michael Scott of Cambridge University, with contributions from nine other experts and four researchers and using the latest research, satellite positioning, and imagery, the series gives complete coverage of the story. Included is a detailed analysis of two of the oldest mysteries in history itself, what really happened at the Battle of Marathon and what really happened to King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. Re-examining the 2500 year old text of Herodotus, the “Father of History”, has revealed some missing links. Answering some unanswered questions: What was the real cause of the war? How did the Greeks win, was it just legend and propaganda? What really happened at the Battle of Marathon? What was the real mission of Leonidas and the 300 Spartans? Were they always on a suicide mission? The life of Kimon has remained in the shadow of other heroism during the period, but he came closest to uniting Greece, and humbled the mighty Persian Empire in the process. Episode 1: THE BEGINNING: Our modern connection to this period, the importance to us here and now. The three major players, Athens, Sparta and Persia. Greece & Persia, where each came from and what made them different to each other. A closer look at Athens and the beginnings of Democracy. Episode 2. TREACHERY: The Spartans and their unique position in Greece. How Greece & Persia came in to conflict. The disloyalty of Histiaeus. The Ionian Revolt, Kimon and Miltiades in Athens, meeting Isodice, Athenian betrayal, the first Persian Invasion. Events leading up to the Battle of Marathon including the mystery of Marathon. Episode 3: MARATHON: The Battle of Marathon, the Marathon Run, war heroes, the fall from grace of Kimon's family, prison, bankruptcy, incest, recovery and marriage. Why did the Athenians call for help, then attack the much larger Persian army at Marathon without waiting for that help? Athens builds the fleet. Episode 4, RISE AND FALL: Episode 5, THE GREAT INVASION: The Great Persian Invasion of Greece by King Xerxes, the construction of the bridges over the sea at Hellespont and the canal at Athos,and the lead up to the Battle of Thermopylae, days 1 and 2. The betrayal of Leonidas. Episode 6: THERMOPYLAE AND SALAMIS: The disaster of Thermopylae and sacrifice of the lives of Leonidas, his 300 Spartans and other Greeks, trying to delay the enormous Persian forces of King Xerxes. What really happened there? Were the 300 Spartans always on a suicide mission? The evacuation of Athens, Spartan timidity and indecision. Victory at the naval battle of SSalamis Themistocles brings on the naval battle. The lead up to the Battle of Plataea. Episode 7: THE DECISION IN GREECE: Stabilization and the lead up to the Battle of Plataea. The Battle of Plataea and the pledge made there. The new League of Greek Allies (Delian League), Kimon made commander in chief, Battle of Eurymedon (Kimon, the Conqueror of Persia), death of his wife Isodice, Ostracism (exile) of Kimon, his return to power, the death of Kimon and the Peace of Callias/Kimon. Episode 8: THE AFTERMATH AND LEGACY: Was it all worthwhile? Less than 50 years after the death of Kimon, why did the mighty hoplites of Kimon and Leonidas become the hirelings of Asia? The legacy of Greece. The legacy of Sparta. Learn more at ASIN: B01LXXGMHC (USA); B01LWY3C1S (UK)
Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Hosted by Two-Time Academy Award Winning Actor Sir Peter Ustinov. The Father of Medicine uses his advanced holistic medical techniques on the revered athletes at the ancient Olympic Games. (See also Olympics, Part 2: The Quest for the Athlos) “Hippocrates in Olympia” focuses on the fascination of Hippocrates and his advanced holistic medical beliefs, while investigating a closely related subject, namely the medical care of the revered athletes during the ancient Olympic Games. It was of vital importance in that era that the sportsmen of the day were kept in perfect health in order to provide the much loved entertainment to the leading dignitaries, artists and philosophers in attendance at the ultimate sports festival. Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, has been passionately studied for centuries for being the first pioneer into what we now know as the field of modern day health care. In addition to his famous Hippocratic Oath, his fascinating life is beautifully portrayed in this one hour documentary entitled “Olympics: Hippocrates in Olympia”, by George Petritsis, based on the book “Medical Care During the Ancient Olympic Games” by Christos Lolas, M.D., and narrated by Academy Award® winner, the late, great Sir Peter Ustinov. This documentary is believed to have been Peter Ustinov's final narration and his mellifluous voice adds additional richness to this magnificent work. The companion documentary to "The Quest for the Athlos", also on your TV via the Vimeo app at Learn more about Parts 1 and 2 at and ASIN: B001EXO742 (USA); B01MCT06PF (UK)
Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus that continues to this day! The DVD is available at Amazon: 72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek (No Subtitles or Captions, sorry) DESCRIPTION On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus. This led to the displacement of thousands of Cypriots and the establishment of a separate Turkish Cypriot regime to govern the invaded area in the north. This ongoing dispute has contributed to the de facto partitioning of the Republic of Cyprus into three main parts: 1) The area under the effective control of the Republic, in the south of the island; 2) The area not under the effective control of the Republic, styling itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognized globally only by Turkey), in the north; and 3) The United Nations-controlled Green Line, separating the two. Cyprus: South Side Celebrate Greece-2 The United Nations has condemned this illegal occupation of the northern 40% of the island, yet it still exists today. Experience the pain of some of the 200,000 Greek Cypriots in refugee Camp Stavrou outside of Lefkosia (Nicosia) as they share their struggle in January of 1979. The film includes a 30 minute update with interviews and parades with Greek Cypriots from Toronto, Canada and New York in 1993 and 1994. This first 20 minutes of this film was featured at the Amnesty International convention in Los Angeles in May 1991. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, attracting over 2.4 million tourists per year. A former British colony, it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1960 and became a Commonwealth republic in 1961. The Republic of Cyprus is a developed country, and has been a member state of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Learn more at
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
S3-E4 Celebrities on Greek Food, 2nd Annual Los Angeles Greek Film Festival

S3-E4 Celebrities on Greek Food, 2nd Annual Los Angeles Greek Film Festival again proudly covered the Annual Los Angeles Greek Film Festival, which took place during five days in Hollywood, California at the Egyptian Theater, The Linwood Dunn Theater, the Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, and the Silver Screen Theater in the Pacific Design Center. Our own Cynthia Daddona interviews the celebrities during the many red carpet events. See all our celebrity interviews at: Topics included Greek food, including Michael Constantine ("My Big Fat Greek Wedding"), Gena Rowlands (2-time Oscar® Nominated actress and widow of director John Cassavetes), Marina Sirtis ("Star Trek: The Next Generation"), Sakis Rouvas (host of Europe's "Eurovision Song Contest [American Idol]), George Chakiris (Oscar® Winning Supporting Actor for "West Side Story [1961]), Adoni Maropis (Troy's and 24), Michael Papajohn (Spiderman 1 and 3), Alexander Lyras (or Alex), Debbie Matenopoulos (sexy host on the E! Network), Daphne Valentina (Documentary "August 27, 2007"), Georgiou ("Letters to Steven Spielberg"), John Aniston (Days of Our Lives and Father of Jennifer Aniston) and Thaao Penghlis (Days of Our Lives and Ancient Greece documentarian), and Oscar Nominated Director Peter Bogdanovich. The Festival featured over 30 feature films, documentaries and shorts, many as World Premieres. This wonderful annual festival was created under co-directors Angeliki Giannakopoulos (MY CHILD: MOTHERS OF WAR, 2006) and Ersi Danou.’s own CYNTHIA DADDONA graced the red carpet on Opening and Closing Nights interviewing established celebrities and the Greek stars of Hollywood’s tomorrow. The Festival consisted of Opening Night Ceremonies, special panels and Closing Night Ceremonies (with the E! Network's Daily 10 show's Debbie Matenopoulos serving as hostess). The LAGFF honored two-time Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe winner GENA ROWLANDS (Notebook; Gloria; A Woman Under the Influence) with Academy Award Nominated actor and director PETER BOGDANOVICH (Last Picture Show; Paper Moon; Mask) on hand to present to Rowlands. Also honored was Ms. Rowland's late husband, three-time Academy Award Nominated actor and director JOHN CASSAVETES (Faces; The Dirty Dozen, Husbands). OPENING NIGHT festivities featured a restored print of the classic ZORBA THE GREEK, winner of four Academy Awards in 1964, starring Anthony Quinn. After the showing, Chairman of 20th Century-Fox Filmed Entertainment JIM GIANOPULOS talked to the sold-out audience at Hollywood's Grauman's Egyptian Theater about the restoration of Zorba and how the famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright discouraged a young, wannabe architect named Anthony Quinn. The rest is history. Mr. Gianopulos said he considered Zorba the Greek to be the "crown jewel" of the Fox movie library. On hand as presenters for the awards of Best Dramatic Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Film, Best Direction, Audience Choice and a Special Jury Award were MICHAEL CONSTANTINE (My Big, Fat Greek Wedding), NICK CASSAVETES (Notebook), PETER BOGDANOVICH (Last Picture Show); GENA ROWLANDS (Notebook; Gloria; A Woman Under the Influence), JOHN ANISTON (JENNIFER ANISTON'S father and star of NBC's Days of our Lives), producer Barbara De Fina (Goodfellas, Casino, Cape Fear), HBO's Kary Antholis (Executive Producer), Academy Award Winner, Golden Globe Winner actor GEORGE CHAKIRIS (Westside Story) and SAKIS ROUVAS (Eurovision Song Contestant, Europe's "American Idol"). ​ @Celebrategreece
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus that continues to this day! The DVD is available at Amazon: 72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek (No Subtitles or Captions, sorry) DESCRIPTION On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus. This led to the displacement of thousands of Cypriots and the establishment of a separate Turkish Cypriot regime to govern the invaded area in the north. This ongoing dispute has contributed to the de facto partitioning of the Republic of Cyprus into three main parts: 1) The area under the effective control of the Republic, in the south of the island; 2) The area not under the effective control of the Republic, styling itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognized globally only by Turkey), in the north; and 3) The United Nations-controlled Green Line, separating the two. Cyprus: South Side Celebrate Greece-2 The United Nations has condemned this illegal occupation of the northern 40% of the island, yet it still exists today. Experience the pain of some of the 200,000 Greek Cypriots in refugee Camp Stavrou outside of Lefkosia (Nicosia) as they share their struggle in January of 1979. The film includes a 30 minute update with interviews and parades with Greek Cypriots from Toronto, Canada and New York in 1993 and 1994. This first 20 minutes of this film was featured at the Amnesty International convention in Los Angeles in May 1991. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, attracting over 2.4 million tourists per year. A former British colony, it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1960 and became a Commonwealth republic in 1961. The Republic of Cyprus is a developed country, and has been a member state of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Learn more at
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
Cynthia Daddona's NBC "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" audition video

Cynthia Daddona's NBC "Tonight Show with Jay Leno" audition video

Cynthia Daddona auditioned to be a roving goddess correspondent for the "Tonight Show" during the Athens Olympics. After having a nice conversation with Jay at one of his California public appearances, Cynthia personally handed this tape (yes, tape!) to Jay who graciously accepted it. When a follow-up was done to see if an American-Italian-Greek Goddess could be an Olympic, Tonight Show correspondent in Greece it was discovered that the "Tonight Show" is not on the air during the Olympics! Oh, well. It was fun making this video in Santorini and at the Acropolis. Watch how Cynthia, a seasoned on-camera personality, interviews tourists, including some who don't speak English, and even interviews a horse that answers her question! Enjoy. FYI, Cynthia was also a page at NBC for the Tonight Shows starring Johnny Carson in the late 1980's. See all our celebrity interviews at: Jay Leno is sorely missed for his common man's humor and for his graciousness to guests and to the public. When one meets Jay in person you quickly discover he is a simple, regular guy with a special talent a putting an audience at ease and making you laugh.   James Stathis (Founder of also met Jay Leno with Cynthia. When Jay asked him "What do you do for work?" Dr. Stathis told Jay that he was a dentist who also enjoyed documentary filmmaking. To which Jay, without hesitation, quipped back "Ask your are a dentist with a little camera!"
1903 Georges Méliès Le Tonnerre De Jupiter jupiters Thunderballs Lightningbolts (4 Minutes)

1903 Georges Méliès Le Tonnerre De Jupiter jupiters Thunderballs Lightningbolts (4 Minutes)

No, we didn't name this short film from 1903! At only 3 minutes, 32 seconds, this is the first film depiction ever of Ancient Greek mythology or anything about ancient Greece. No, we didn't name this short film from 1903! At only 3 minutes 32 seconds, this is the first film depiction of Ancient Greek mythology or anything about ancient Greece. SYNOPSIS (Comedy, though it may not have been originally intended as such) High in the clouds, Jupiter encounters Mercury and summons up pedestals for all the Muses. He attempts to make the Muses themselves appear using his thunderbolts, but finds the bolts do not work. He sends them off to Hephaestus for repairs, and after some trial and error, manages to summon all nine Muses. The Muses all begin performing their various arts; Jupiter is initially pleased, but the cacophony soon overwhelms him, and he finally sends the Muses back to their pedestals. Mercury and Hephaestus return, making still more noise, and Jupiter banishes the whole company with his thunderbolts. However, this time the power backfires on him, and Jupiter makes a hasty retreat as the thunderbolts spin out of control. BACKGROUND Georges Méliès was a French illusionist, actor, and film director who led many technical and narrative developments in the earliest days of cinema. Méliès was well known for the use of special effects, popularizing such techniques as substitution splices, multiple exposures, time-lapse photography, dissolves, and hand-painted color. He was also one of the first filmmakers to use storyboards. His films include A Trip to the Moon (1902) and The Impossible Voyage (1904), both involving strange, surreal journeys somewhat in the style of Jules Verne, and are considered among the most important early science fiction films, though their approach is closer to fantasy.
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
S1-E1 Los Angeles Greek Film Festival, Greeks on Greek Food compilation

S1-E1 Los Angeles Greek Film Festival, Greeks on Greek Food compilation

Our Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host CYNTHIA DADDONA interviews celebrities on the red carpet during opening and closing nights on Greek films, food and culture. See all our celebrity interviews at: The Festival featured 24 feature films and shorts, many as World Premieres. This wonderful four-day festival was created under co-directors Angeliki Giannakopoulos (MY CHILD: MOTHERS OF WAR, 2006) and Ersi Danou Academy Award winners Olympia Dukakis (1988, Moonstruck) and Alexander Payne (Sideways), along with My Big Fat Greek Wedding's Michael Constantine and CSI:NY's sexy Melina Kanakaredes. Greek stars of Hollywood's tomorrow, such as 300's Tyler Neitzel, Troy's and 24's Adoni Maropis, Spiderman's Michael Papajohn, NBC's Deal Or No Deal's Model Patricia Kara and American Idol contestant and Tony nominated actor/singer from the hit broadway show "Rock of Ages," Constantine Maroulis. The Festival consisted of Opening Night Ceremonies, special panels and Closing Night Ceremonies (with the E! Network's Daily 10 show's Debbie Matenopoulos serving as hostess). The LAGFF handed out the festival's first Orpheus Award to Academy Award Winner OLYMPIA DUKAKIS at the Closing Night Ceremony with Academy Award-winning filmmaker ALEXANDER PAYNE (SIDEWAYS; ABOUT SCHMIDT) on hand to present to Dukakis. Also honored with the first Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by legendary actress ANNE JEFFREYS, was veteran Hollywood Foreign Press Association journalist YANI BEGAKIS, who has been instrumental in the success of the Golden Globe Awards. On hand as presenters for the awards of Best Dramatic Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Film, Best Direction, Audience Choice and a Special Jury Award were MICHAEL CONSTANTINE (My Big, Fat Greek Wedding), MELINA KANAKAREDES (CSI: NY; Providence), STRATTON LEOPOLD (Exec. Producer of Mission Impossible III; Star Trek[XI]) and Co-Chairman of 20th Century-Fox Filmed Entertainment JIM GIANOPULOS.
Hollywood Red Carpet Interviews at the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival

Hollywood Red Carpet Interviews at the Los Angeles Greek Film Festival proudly covered the Annual Los Angeles Greek Film Festival, which took place during five days in Hollywood, California at the Egyptian Theater, The Linwood Dunn Theater, the Spielberg Theatre at the Egyptian, and the Silver Screen Theater in the Pacific Design Center. Our own Cynthia Daddona interviews the celebrities during the many red carpet events. See all our celebrity interviews at: Topics included Greek food, including Michael Constantine ("My Big Fat Greek Wedding"), Gena Rowlands (2-time Oscar® Nominated actress and widow of director John Cassavetes), Marina Sirtis ("Star Trek: The Next Generation"), Sakis Rouvas (host of Europe's "Eurovision Song Contest [American Idol]), George Chakiris (Oscar® Winning Supporting Actor for "West Side Story [1961]), Adoni Maropis (Troy's and 24), Michael Papajohn (Spiderman 1 and 3), Alexander Lyras (or Alex), Debbie Matenopoulos (sexy host on the E! Network), Daphne Valentina (Documentary "August 27, 2007"), Georgiou ("Letters to Steven Spielberg"), John Aniston (Days of Our Lives and Father of Jennifer Aniston) and Thaao Penghlis (Days of Our Lives and Ancient Greece documentarian), and Oscar Nominated Director Peter Bogdanovich. The Festival featured over 30 feature films, documentaries and shorts, many as World Premieres. This wonderful annual festival was created under co-directors Angeliki Giannakopoulos (MY CHILD: MOTHERS OF WAR, 2006) and Ersi Danou.’s own CYNTHIA DADDONA graced the red carpet on Opening and Closing Nights interviewing established celebrities and the Greek stars of Hollywood’s tomorrow. The Festival consisted of Opening Night Ceremonies, special panels and Closing Night Ceremonies (with the E! Network's Daily 10 show's Debbie Matenopoulos serving as hostess). The LAGFF honored two-time Academy Award Nominee and Golden Globe winner GENA ROWLANDS (Notebook; Gloria; A Woman Under the Influence) with Academy Award Nominated actor and director PETER BOGDANOVICH (Last Picture Show; Paper Moon; Mask) on hand to present to Rowlands. Also honored was Ms. Rowland's late husband, three-time Academy Award Nominated actor and director JOHN CASSAVETES (Faces; The Dirty Dozen, Husbands). OPENING NIGHT festivities featured a restored print of the classic ZORBA THE GREEK, winner of four Academy Awards in 1964, starring Anthony Quinn. After the showing, former Chairman of both 20th Century-Fox Filmed Entertainment and Paramount Pictures JIM GIANOPULOS talked to the sold-out audience at Hollywood's Grauman's Egyptian Theater about the restoration of Zorba and how the famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright discouraged a young, wannabe architect named Anthony Quinn. The rest is history. Mr. Gianopulos said he considered Zorba the Greek to be the "crown jewel" of the Fox movie library. On hand as presenters for the awards of Best Dramatic Feature, Best Documentary, Best Short Film, Best Direction, Audience Choice and a Special Jury Award were MICHAEL CONSTANTINE (My Big, Fat Greek Wedding), NICK CASSAVETES (Notebook), PETER BOGDANOVICH (Last Picture Show); GENA ROWLANDS (Notebook; Gloria; A Woman Under the Influence), JOHN ANISTON (JENNIFER ANISTON'S father and star of NBC's Days of our Lives), producer Barbara De Fina (Goodfellas, Casino, Cape Fear), HBO's Kary Antholis (Executive Producer), Academy Award Winner, Golden Globe Winner actor GEORGE CHAKIRIS (Westside Story) and SAKIS ROUVAS (Eurovision Song Contestant, Europe's "American Idol"). ​
Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again - London Premiere w/ Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Cher, and More

Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again - London Premiere w/ Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Cher, and More

Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again, exclusive interviews with Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Cher, Rita Wilson, Amada Seyfried and more and the movie's London Premiere. Background: Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast in the feature-film adaptation of the beloved musical that has been seen by more than 30 million people in 160 cities and 8 languages around the world. Bringing the timeless lyrics and melodies of iconic super group ABBA to movie audiences,Summer 2008 is the season for Mamma Mia! The three women who created the worldwide smash stage hit—global producer Judy Craymer, writer Catherine Johnson and director Phyllida Lloyd—repeat their roles in bringing this joyful, musical story to the big screen. The Mamma Mia! film is produced by Judy Craymer and Gary Goetzman.   Mamma Mia!, the Broadway play, stars Michelle Dawson (Character: Donna Sheridan) and John Hemphill (character: Sam Carmichael) goof around backstage with's  Cynthia Daddona and James Stathis Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Christine Baranski,Julie Walters, Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper join Streep in this celebration of a mother, a daughter and three possible dads. An independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island, Donna (Streep) is about to let go of Sophie (Amanda Seyfried),the spirited daughter she’s raised alone. For Sophie’s wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends—practical and no-nonsense Rosie (Julie Walters) and wealthy, multi-divorcee Tanya (Christine Baranski) —from her one-time backing band, Donna and the Dynamos. But Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to findthe identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donna’s past to the Mediterranean paradise they visited20 years earlier. Over 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloomand old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities. Inspired by the storytelling magic of ABBA’s songs from“Dancing Queen” and “S.O.S.” to “Money, Money, Money” and “Take a Chance on Me,” Mamma Mia! is a celebration of mothers and daughters,old friends and new family found.     * Genre:Drama     * Director:Phyllida Lloyd     * Cast:Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard, Julie Walters Filming Locations Wedding and Church: The wedding takes place in a tiny church built on a steep rock formation overlooking the Aegean Sea. Before Donna climbs up to the chapel, she pours her heart out to Sam, singing "The Winner Takes It All." The scene was filmed at the rustic Agios Ioannis sto Kastri on Skopelos Island, where you can scale the 100-plus stairs to the top of the dramatic cliff. Fathers Meet: Sophie's prospective fathers meet for the first time when Sam (Pierce Brosnan) and Harry (Colin Firth) miss the last ferry to Kalokairi and Bill (Stellan Skarsgård) offers to take them on his boat. The scene was filmed on Skiathos, an island in the Aegean Sea about 85 miles north of Athens. Fathers Retreat: When the men learn that Sophie's mother, Donna (Meryl Streep), doesn't want them at her daughter's wedding, they make a hasty retreat back to the mainland on Bill's boat. Determined to stop them, Sophie swims out to her could-be dads, and the group sings a playful rendition of "Our Last Summer." A peninsula off Glysteri beach, on the island of Skopelos, served as the scene's backdrop. "Mamma Mia - The Movie" is a registered trademark of Universal.  Imagery Courtesy of Universal Studios.
The First War for Western Civilization (8 Episodes; 352 Minutes)

The First War for Western Civilization (8 Episodes; 352 Minutes)

A Time When History Became Legend! Hosted by Dr. Michael Scott (PBS, BBC, NOVA, Nat'l Geographic, History Channel and more) "Go back 2,500 years to the wars between ancient Greece (West) and Persia (East).  The Greco-Persian Wars 2,500 years ago were a clash between two peoples, two cultures, two systems of government and two continents.  The first clash between East and West.  A clash that has, sadly, continued all the way to today." --Hosted by Cambridge University's Dr. Michael Scott The perfect television documentary to complement the global movie "300". Also, see our one episode version called "300 Spartans - The Real Story" here on or on Vimeo at The first democracy in the world spawned the Greco-Persian Wars 2500 years ago that shaped most of the world today, particularly our politics, but it also gave us some of the most iconic moments and curious mysteries in history...a time when history really did become legend: Leonidas and his 300 Spartans, The Battles of Thermopylae, Marathon, Salamis and Plataea, The Roots of Democracy and, now, the story of Athenian Generals Miltiades (Father) and Kimon (Son). However, other than the 3 days of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, the rest of the 49 year war between Persia and Greece has been almost completely overlooked, and has never appeared in full as a documentary or drama. Presented by Dr Michael Scott of Cambridge University, with contributions from nine other experts and four researchers and using the latest research, satellite positioning, and imagery, the series gives complete coverage of the story. Included is a detailed analysis of two of the oldest mysteries in history itself, what really happened at the Battle of Marathon and what really happened to King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. Re-examining the 2500 year old text of Herodotus, the “Father of History”, has revealed some missing links. Answering some unanswered questions: What was the real cause of the war? How did the Greeks win, was it just legend and propaganda? What really happened at the Battle of Marathon? What was the real mission of Leonidas and the 300 Spartans? Were they always on a suicide mission? The life of Kimon has remained in the shadow of other heroism during the period, but he came closest to uniting Greece, and humbled the mighty Persian Empire in the process. Episode 1: THE BEGINNING: Our modern connection to this period, the importance to us here and now. The three major players, Athens, Sparta and Persia. Greece & Persia, where each came from and what made them different to each other. A closer look at Athens and the beginnings of Democracy. Episode 2. TREACHERY: The Spartans and their unique position in Greece. How Greece & Persia came in to conflict. The disloyalty of Histiaeus. The Ionian Revolt, Kimon and Miltiades in Athens, meeting Isodice, Athenian betrayal, the first Persian Invasion. Events leading up to the Battle of Marathon including the mystery of Marathon. Episode 3: MARATHON: The Battle of Marathon, the Marathon Run, war heroes, the fall from grace of Kimon's family, prison, bankruptcy, incest, recovery and marriage. Why did the Athenians call for help, then attack the much larger Persian army at Marathon without waiting for that help? Athens builds the fleet. Episode 4, RISE AND FALL: Episode 5, THE GREAT INVASION: The Great Persian Invasion of Greece by King Xerxes, the construction of the bridges over the sea at Hellespont and the canal at Athos,and the lead up to the Battle of Thermopylae, days 1 and 2. The betrayal of Leonidas. Episode 6: THERMOPYLAE AND SALAMIS: The disaster of Thermopylae and sacrifice of the lives of Leonidas, his 300 Spartans and other Greeks, trying to delay the enormous Persian forces of King Xerxes. What really happened there? Were the 300 Spartans always on a suicide mission? The evacuation of Athens, Spartan timidity and indecision. Victory at the naval battle of SSalamis Themistocles brings on the naval battle. The lead up to the Battle of Plataea. Episode 7: THE DECISION IN GREECE: Stabilization and the lead up to the Battle of Plataea. The Battle of Plataea and the pledge made there. The new League of Greek Allies (Delian League), Kimon made commander in chief, Battle of Eurymedon (Kimon, the Conqueror of Persia), death of his wife Isodice, Ostracism (exile) of Kimon, his return to power, the death of Kimon and the Peace of Callias/Kimon. Episode 8: THE AFTERMATH AND LEGACY: Was it all worthwhile? Less than 50 years after the death of Kimon, why did the mighty hoplites of Kimon and Leonidas become the hirelings of Asia? The legacy of Greece. The legacy of Sparta. Learn more at ASIN: B01LXXGMHC (USA); B01LWY3C1S (UK)
The Seven Sages of Greek Antiquity (52 Minutes)

The Seven Sages of Greek Antiquity (52 Minutes)

Though Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were not among them, ancient Greece's most sage men would unanimously choose one as the wisest of all. Winner: BEST ANTIQUITY FILM, Cyprus International Film Festival The Seven Wise Men of antiquity, or the Seven Sages as they are also commonly known, reflect one of the most brilliant aspects of the ancient Greek spirit. This documentary revives the period, 27 centuries ago, when the Seven flourished and enlightened humanity through their wisdom. The Seven Sages of the 6th Century B.C. were seven exceptional personalities distinguished for their extraordinary wisdom and knowledge which they applied as scientists, philosophers, statesmen and lawmakers. They were namely, Thales of Miletus, Chilon of Sparta, Solon of Athens, Pittacus of Mytilene, Bias of Priene, Cleoboulos of Rhodes and Periander of Corinth. On her return voyage to Sparta from Troy, Helen carried a golden tripod, which she dropped into the sea in order to prevent an old prophecy: that the tripod would become a cause to battle. That battle would then lead to the most unusual competition to determine the Wisest. The Seven Sages, of 6th Century BC Greece, are exceptional personalities distinguished for their extraordinary wisdom and knowledge as scientists, philosophers, statesmen and lawmakers. However, even the Seven would choose only One as the wisest of all! Learn more at ASIN: B078T3RTLD (USA); B078T6DKQT (UK)
Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

Cyprus: South Side (72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek; No Subtitles)

On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus that continues to this day! The DVD is available at Amazon: 72 Minutes; 80% English Language, 20% Greek (No Subtitles or Captions, sorry) DESCRIPTION On July 20, 1974 the country of Turkey began the illegal invasion of the independent Greek island of Cyprus. This led to the displacement of thousands of Cypriots and the establishment of a separate Turkish Cypriot regime to govern the invaded area in the north. This ongoing dispute has contributed to the de facto partitioning of the Republic of Cyprus into three main parts: 1) The area under the effective control of the Republic, in the south of the island; 2) The area not under the effective control of the Republic, styling itself the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognized globally only by Turkey), in the north; and 3) The United Nations-controlled Green Line, separating the two. Cyprus: South Side Celebrate Greece-2 The United Nations has condemned this illegal occupation of the northern 40% of the island, yet it still exists today. Experience the pain of some of the 200,000 Greek Cypriots in refugee Camp Stavrou outside of Lefkosia (Nicosia) as they share their struggle in January of 1979. The film includes a 30 minute update with interviews and parades with Greek Cypriots from Toronto, Canada and New York in 1993 and 1994. This first 20 minutes of this film was featured at the Amnesty International convention in Los Angeles in May 1991. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean, attracting over 2.4 million tourists per year. A former British colony, it gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1960 and became a Commonwealth republic in 1961. The Republic of Cyprus is a developed country, and has been a member state of the European Union since 1 May 2004. Learn more at
300 Spartans - The Real Story (72 Minutes)

300 Spartans - The Real Story (72 Minutes)

The Legend is Fabulous, the Real Story is Astonishing! Hosted by Dr. Michael Scott (PBS, BBC, NOVA, Nat'l Geographic, History Channel and more) What was the real mission of Leonidas and the 300 Spartans? Were they always on a suicide mission? Presented by Dr Michael Scott of Cambridge University, with contributions from nine other experts and four researchers and using the latest research, satellite positioning, and imagery, the series gives complete coverage of the story. Included is a detailed analysis of one of the oldest mysteries in history itself, what really happened to King Leonidas and his 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. Re-reading the 2500 year old text of Herodotus, the Father of History, has revealed some missing conclusions. Putting aside the myths and legends surrounding the 300 Spartans, this documentary takes a detailed look at The Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC, leading to the last stand of the 300 Spartans, other Greeks and the Great Spartan King, Leonidas. The legend passed down is that Leonidas went to Thermopylae with a picked band of 300 Spartans to defend the narrow pass with units from other Greek cities. Then on the 3rd day of the battle, when he found out he was being surrounded, he sent most of his troops away and covered their retreat with a last stand because Spartans never retreated. Using the original text of Herodotus, the only "contemporary" source, it examines the actions of Leonidas as commander of the Greek force of over 7000 men facing 150-200,000 Persians. Why they were there and what eventually led to the most famous last stand in history. Focusing on six key passages in the text, the real story gives a completely different picture than the legend we all know. Leonidas did not stay because Spartans never retreated, they had already retreated once in this war. He had plenty of time to retreat if he wanted to, but his actions on the last day point to something completely different. The documentary concludes that while the legend is fabulous, the real story is astonishing. Leonidas had plans for the last day, and they did not involve a suicidal last stand! ASIN: B013IY1148 (USA); B01I47EJ16 (UK) Learn more at Contact us to get a screening license. Exclusive global agent/representative: Use the contact page
Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Crete: Under the Grecian Sun - Crete, Greece (59 Minutes)

Award-Winning, On-Camera TV Host Cynthia Daddona's Romantic Culinary-Travel Journey on the Greek island of Crete, Greece! Also watch the companion program "A Greek Islands Destination Cooking Class - Santorini, Greece on your TV via the free Vimeo app at Join award-winning on-camera personality, lifestyle journalist, author of Diary of A Modern Day Goddess, and independent producer Cynthia Daddona as she delivers her most fun and inspiring cultural travel exploration yet. In this documentary Cynthia, an Italian-Greek-American, is joined by her Greek-American husband James and together they are The Goddess and the Greek,® in Crete: Under the Grecian Sun. Come along as they celebrate a romantic culinary and eco-travel journey on this savory island in the Mediterranean Sea. The Goddess and the Greek® welcome you to Greece's BIG island, CRETE! So, sit back, relax and enjoy as you discover the delicious and life-enhancing ways of life on the Greek island of Crete. Follow Cynthia as she explores eco-village living and the Mediterranean way of life that includes savoring times at the table while eating the delicious and healthy cuisine of Crete. A 15-year scientific study of seven diverse countries confirmed that the Cretan village farmers of the 1960's had the best health and longevity in the world. The diet of Crete and Southern Italy became the foundation for the famous Mediterranean Diet. Crete - Under the Grecian Sun showcases Crete's bountiful food traditions and tables, both ancient and modern, vibrant and vital villages, wisdoms of the Yia Yias (grandmas), working farm-to-table agritourism sites, contemporary hotels and spas, sun-soaked sandy beaches, goddess-centric ancient Minoan culture, archaeological splendors of rich history, and natural majestic landscapes reminiscent of a Tuscany on the Aegean Sea. Cretan culture today is a blend of mainly Greek along with touches of Venetian & Turkish influences. Its cuisine is forever an ethnic cornucopia of tastes and smells using the freshest local ingredients and time-honored recipes. This delicious, fun and informative program is the next best thing to actually being in Crete! With 20 years of travel and lifestyle journalism and a television and improv comedy background, Cynthia will educate and entertain you as she visits locations in Crete such as Elounda, Spinalonga, Heraklion, Knossos, Hersonissos, Rethymnon, Anogeia, Chania and many other wonderful and romantic places in-between. Her other productions in Greece include her romantic destination wedding to James on the Greek island of Santorini where she also hosted and produced the #1 New York Times' Greek culinary-travel DVD, A Greek Island Islands Destination Cooking Class. In addition to hosting for, Cynthia is the creator and hosts of the video websites and Learn more at ASIN: B01MQ4BWL8 (USA); B01MQ4F46Z (UK)
Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Hosted by Two-Time Academy Award Winning Actor Sir Peter Ustinov. The Father of Medicine uses his advanced holistic medical techniques on the revered athletes at the ancient Olympic Games. (See also Olympics, Part 2: The Quest for the Athlos) “Hippocrates in Olympia” focuses on the fascination of Hippocrates and his advanced holistic medical beliefs, while investigating a closely related subject, namely the medical care of the revered athletes during the ancient Olympic Games. It was of vital importance in that era that the sportsmen of the day were kept in perfect health in order to provide the much loved entertainment to the leading dignitaries, artists and philosophers in attendance at the ultimate sports festival. Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, has been passionately studied for centuries for being the first pioneer into what we now know as the field of modern day health care. In addition to his famous Hippocratic Oath, his fascinating life is beautifully portrayed in this one hour documentary entitled “Olympics: Hippocrates in Olympia”, by George Petritsis, based on the book “Medical Care During the Ancient Olympic Games” by Christos Lolas, M.D., and narrated by Academy Award® winner, the late, great Sir Peter Ustinov. This documentary is believed to have been Peter Ustinov's final narration and his mellifluous voice adds additional richness to this magnificent work. The companion documentary to "The Quest for the Athlos", also on your TV via the Vimeo app at Learn more about Parts 1 and 2 at and ASIN: B001EXO742 (USA); B01MCT06PF (UK)
Real story behind "Indiana Jones 5" going to Ancient Greece in "Dial of Destiny"

Real story behind "Indiana Jones 5" going to Ancient Greece in "Dial of Destiny" interviews actor Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) for his final appearance as the famed, whip-cracking archaeologist of movie fiction. What isn't fictional, however, is the real story behind the movie and the real "Dial of Destiny" (a Hollywood term). The device's real name is the "Antikythera Mechanism" which was discovered by a Greek sponge diver in 1900 off the Greek island of Antikythera. Along with many original Greek bronze statues, coins and more, was found a lump of what looked liked cement. Upon x-ray, the lump of cement was the remains of metal gears of the first analog computer (an astrolabe of sorts) that is still being deciphered, but is known to track the phases of the moon, the position of the stars and the occurrences of eclipses, even today when run in computer simulations. It could also able to predict when the most famous, ancient sporting event was to occur! The Antikythera Mechanism is on permanent display at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens, Greece. Other than in this short video, you can see the Antikythera Mechanism: TRIVIA: Philhellene aficionados may notice that the close-up of the "Dial of Destiny" in the movie shows, not Greek characters as is on the real Hellenistic-era Antikythera Mechanism, but rather characters as pictographs similar to what appears on the Minoan-era Phaestos Disc, still fully undeciphered. Perhaps this is a nod from the movie makers to the other famous disc of Greek antiquity? The Phaestos Disc is on permanent display in the Heraklion Archaeological Museum on the Greek island of Crete. See the real Phaestos (Festos; Phestos) Disc: Please remember to subscribe to our YouTube Channel and on social media at: https://www.YouTube/CelebrateGreece
Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again - London Premiere w/ Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Cher, and More

Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again - London Premiere w/ Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Cher, and More

Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again, exclusive interviews with Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth, Cher, Rita Wilson, Amada Seyfried and more and the movie's London Premiere. Background: Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast in the feature-film adaptation of the beloved musical that has been seen by more than 30 million people in 160 cities and 8 languages around the world. Bringing the timeless lyrics and melodies of iconic super group ABBA to movie audiences,Summer 2008 is the season for Mamma Mia! The three women who created the worldwide smash stage hit—global producer Judy Craymer, writer Catherine Johnson and director Phyllida Lloyd—repeat their roles in bringing this joyful, musical story to the big screen. The Mamma Mia! film is produced by Judy Craymer and Gary Goetzman.   Mamma Mia!, the Broadway play, stars Michelle Dawson (Character: Donna Sheridan) and John Hemphill (character: Sam Carmichael) goof around backstage with's  Cynthia Daddona and James Stathis Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgård, Christine Baranski,Julie Walters, Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper join Streep in this celebration of a mother, a daughter and three possible dads. An independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island, Donna (Streep) is about to let go of Sophie (Amanda Seyfried),the spirited daughter she’s raised alone. For Sophie’s wedding, Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends—practical and no-nonsense Rosie (Julie Walters) and wealthy, multi-divorcee Tanya (Christine Baranski) —from her one-time backing band, Donna and the Dynamos. But Sophie has secretly invited three guests of her own. On a quest to findthe identity of her father to walk her down the aisle, she brings back three men from Donna’s past to the Mediterranean paradise they visited20 years earlier. Over 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloomand old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities. Inspired by the storytelling magic of ABBA’s songs from“Dancing Queen” and “S.O.S.” to “Money, Money, Money” and “Take a Chance on Me,” Mamma Mia! is a celebration of mothers and daughters,old friends and new family found.     * Genre:Drama     * Director:Phyllida Lloyd     * Cast:Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard, Julie Walters Filming Locations Wedding and Church: The wedding takes place in a tiny church built on a steep rock formation overlooking the Aegean Sea. Before Donna climbs up to the chapel, she pours her heart out to Sam, singing "The Winner Takes It All." The scene was filmed at the rustic Agios Ioannis sto Kastri on Skopelos Island, where you can scale the 100-plus stairs to the top of the dramatic cliff. Fathers Meet: Sophie's prospective fathers meet for the first time when Sam (Pierce Brosnan) and Harry (Colin Firth) miss the last ferry to Kalokairi and Bill (Stellan Skarsgård) offers to take them on his boat. The scene was filmed on Skiathos, an island in the Aegean Sea about 85 miles north of Athens. Fathers Retreat: When the men learn that Sophie's mother, Donna (Meryl Streep), doesn't want them at her daughter's wedding, they make a hasty retreat back to the mainland on Bill's boat. Determined to stop them, Sophie swims out to her could-be dads, and the group sings a playful rendition of "Our Last Summer." A peninsula off Glysteri beach, on the island of Skopelos, served as the scene's backdrop. "Mamma Mia - The Movie" is a registered trademark of Universal.  Imagery Courtesy of Universal Studios.
Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Olympics, Part 1: Hippocrates in Olympia (55 Minutes)

Hosted by Two-Time Academy Award Winning Actor Sir Peter Ustinov. The Father of Medicine uses his advanced holistic medical techniques on the revered athletes at the ancient Olympic Games. (See also Olympics, Part 2: The Quest for the Athlos) “Hippocrates in Olympia” focuses on the fascination of Hippocrates and his advanced holistic medical beliefs, while investigating a closely related subject, namely the medical care of the revered athletes during the ancient Olympic Games. It was of vital importance in that era that the sportsmen of the day were kept in perfect health in order to provide the much loved entertainment to the leading dignitaries, artists and philosophers in attendance at the ultimate sports festival. Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, has been passionately studied for centuries for being the first pioneer into what we now know as the field of modern day health care. In addition to his famous Hippocratic Oath, his fascinating life is beautifully portrayed in this one hour documentary entitled “Olympics: Hippocrates in Olympia”, by George Petritsis, based on the book “Medical Care During the Ancient Olympic Games” by Christos Lolas, M.D., and narrated by Academy Award® winner, the late, great Sir Peter Ustinov. This documentary is believed to have been Peter Ustinov's final narration and his mellifluous voice adds additional richness to this magnificent work. The companion documentary to "The Quest for the Athlos", also on your TV via the Vimeo app at Learn more about Parts 1 and 2 at and ASIN: B001EXO742 (USA); B01MCT06PF (UK)
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